We became friends in high school and carried out those four years focused on sports, parties and class-er-parties. It’s a good thing we grew up in the time of Facebook (what would we do without Facebook eh?) because we’ve kept in touch so many years after those teen days. So I was ecstatic to hear that Jessi got engaged over New Years and when she asked me to take photos of her wedding I was honoured! Jessi is down to earth, easy going and fun – and she’s found her perfect match in her fiancé, Lee, who is equally as easy going and down to earth. We met up last weekend to take engagement photos at their home exploring their amazing property with their pup, Chase, running circles around us. The setting made for such gorgeous photos (can you believe that’s where they live!!!) and these guys were so easy to take photos of. One of the details that I love about their engagement is that Lee had the engagement ring made out of heirloom pieces passed down from either side of their families. It’s a stunning ring full of sentimental meaning. After the photos we hung out for a bit and I got a few glimpses of whats to come for their wedding day and all I can say is get ready, it’s going to be good! I’m beyond excited and honoured to celebrate this stage of their life with them and I can’t wait to see them begin their marriage.