Today marks six months of marriage to this handsome fellow! I know, I know, six months isn’t really that big – but I’m a firm believer in celebrating everything and anything so there will definitely be some bottle poppin’ going on at our house tonight! This guy makes me the happiest girl in the world. Each day is full of laughter, silliness and love and it’s a blast! I can’t believe that six months ago we were in Barbados sipping on rum punches with our family and friends and exchanging our vows – time has really flown by! But looking back over the past six months there are some things I’ve noticed since getting married:
1. I still stumble when someone asks my last name. I’m sure I’ll get used to it but right now I’m “Laura Br-Clarke”.
2. I get giddy when he calls me his wife or I call him my husband. And he gets all proud when he calls me his wife.
3. Not that I expected it to, but not much has changed as everyone likes to say it will.
4. I still get lost in a trance staring at my left hand (typing doesn’t help) but each time I look at it I’m overwhelmed with emotions of excitement and disbelief that we’re married.
5. I love my husband even more than I thought I could. Yes, super cheesy but there’s something about the appreciation I have for him and everything he does for me. He really is the most important thing/person in my life and it’s even more apparent now.
Here’s to the next six months! Cheers!
Photo cred to the lovely Melly