Oh what a year 2014 was. It seemed to have flown by so it’s nice to take a minute to catch my breath and take it all in. Looking back at all the photos I’ve taken, the people I’ve met, the beautiful moments I got to be apart of, and the ways I’ve changed and grown leaves me feeling grateful and in disbelief. I wouldn’t have thought in a million years that my first year of business would be so successful but it’s also great to know that aiming high produces great results. That’s not to say that this year didn’t come with it’s challenges. I still haven’t grasped the perfect way to balance work and life and I let the negative thoughts get the best of me way too often. I still question if I’m on the right track, if I’m doing things correctly or if I’ll grow this business but those are all motivators to keep going and to work harder. I’m excited for what this year has in store and I’m ready to keep moving and to continue to grow and evolve to find the best practices for my business and for life.
To all my clients and amazing vendors I’ve had a chance to work with, thank you! Thank you for allowing me to capture such significant moments in your lives, to open to your hearts to me and share your families. I thought I’d try to do a recap of the past year with some of my favourite photos of favorite moments – which is not an easy task by the way! While there are a ton more that are my favorites, here’s a look at some moments that will forever stay with me:
And to start 2015 off on the right note, here’s a compilation of photos featuring me being a dork! Cheers to a wonderful year!