This year has started out on a great foot! I’ve gone to Mexico twice and seeing as we’ve had such a cold winter I know how lucky I am. The second trip around we stayed in Playa Del Carmen for a week and carried out a routine of walking around town, cooling off by the pool, and finding the best guacamole. The place where we stayed was steps away from the beach so we made sure to walk it almost every day. There was a lot of seaweed at the time so unfortunately we didn’t swim in the ocean a lot. We were also steps from fifth avenue which is the “go to” street when in Playa. There’s lots of shops, bars and restaurants but we found that finding places just off of fifth was more enjoyable – not only cheaper but also tastier. Pretty much each day we went up to the roof-top pool with a big cooler full of Coronas. We took time to read, rest and swim – it was a trip highly centered around slowing things down. To end off the trip I forced Robin to wake up for the sunrise and it was breathtaking, in a matter of 10 minutes the sky changed colours from pale purples to bright yellows.